Colin Daborn

Colin Daborn Colin DabornCouncillorMember of Engagements CommitteeFind Out More About Colin

Mayors Charity Application

Mayors Charity Application All applications will be subject to checks and follow ups.All information provided on this form will be treated in strictest confidence.If your application is successful the Mayor would like to inform  members of the Community that your award was given. The purpose to this is allowing other...

Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II From Cllr Mark Connolly, Mayor of Tidworth:It has been announced by Buckingham Palace the very sad news at the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth ll today.She was a Monarch who lived for her public duties and reigned over us for 70 years, a record that will...

Linzi Coleman

Linzi Coleman Linzi ColemanChair of Engagements Committee Member Leadership, Staffing & Projects CommitteesTel: 07799 101020 Email: About Linzi I was a part of the Parish Council back in 1999 for 5 years and re-joined the now Town Council in July 2021. I am Chair of the Engagements Committee who...

Sydney Musikavanhu

Sydney Musikavanhu Sydney MusikavanhuCommunity Services Committee MemberTel: 07880 551441 Email: About Sydney I moved to Tidworth in March 2009 and have lived here ever since. I left the Army in October 2017 after 15 years of service. I am married with 2 kids. I come from a family background...