New Mayor’s Blog from Cllr Brian Pratt

We’re living in much uncharted waters at the moment. If you follow my facebook page you will know that I have taken a very personal decision to self-isolate, both myself and my family. This decision is based on my feeling unwell currently. Please do not be alarmed by this decision, as I have not been confirmed as having Coronavirus (COVID-19) and I do not want to use the already overstretched and hard working local GP services or NHS hospitals to get any diagnosis.
What have been absolutely heart-warming are all the best wishes messages and the offers of help, should I need it. For that, I thank you all.
There are a number of Facebook groups that have emerged offering to coordinate help and support for those members of the community who are more vulnerable or self-isolating.
Connolly Spar are providing a local delivery service, Pothead and Panface are working with our Tidworth & Wiltshire Councillor, Mark Connolly to do something similar. A member of the community, Mr Rigby has also contacted me to say that he is willing to offer this service.
Please keep yourself updated using only reliable sources of information that cannot be edited. Please see below the list of recommended websites:
Government –
NHS 111 –
BBC News –
SKY news –
There are plenty to choose from but social media really shouldn’t be classed as a main source of reliable information.
We really are lucky in this country that we have the NHS services available to us, with lots of doctors and scientists, who I am sure, are working day and night to advise our Government on what course of action/actions to take.
Let’s come together for the benefit of our community, as I know we are doing.
Thank you, stay safe and well.
Cllr Brian Pratt