As you may have seen via our Social Media, Tidworth Town Council Office will be closed to members of the public until further notice due to Covid-19, following recent government recommendations.
You can still contact us via:
Email – | Phone – 01980 847390 | Website – Contact Us
Facebook page – Tidworth Town Council
Community Centre Groups
These groups are also closed until further notice:
- Citizens Advice Bureau
- MummaB Fit
- MooMusic
- Slimming World
- Phoenix Group
- Tidworth Rainbows & Brownies
- Weight Watchers
- Fighting Falcons
- Over 60’s
If your group is not listed here, please contact your group coordinator
ALL regular hire groups & church groups are now cancelled, all party bookings are also cancelled until the end of April 2020, when the Council will have reviewed the situation, following the latest government guidelines and act accordingly.
If you have a future booking with us and would like to discuss, please do not hesitate to contact us should you wish to cancel or reschedule.
Local Information
There are many social groups being set up by volunteers to help any community members currently self isolating. Also for ‘home schooling’ tips. If you would like details of these we can share this information via email, however please note these are NOT managed or organised by Tidworth Town Council.
Public Transport
Stage Coach Bus
Salisbury Reds
South West Railway
GP Services
The Castle Practice
TNB Garrison Health Services
Local Radio
We hope that you stay safe and well.
Tidworth Town Council