Mayors Charity Application

Mayors Charity Application All applications will be subject to checks and follow ups.All information provided on this form will be treated in strictest confidence.If your application is successful the Mayor would like to inform  members of the Community that your award was given. The purpose to this is allowing other...

Andy White

Andy White Andy WhiteCouncillorTel: 07951 751725 Email: About Andy

Mayor’s Blog

Mayor's Blog June 2023 I am Carole Webb a retired family solicitor; I had the honour of being elected as chair ofTidworth Town Council and became the town’s Mayor on the 2nd May 2023. I moved from Kent to provide support for my daughter and her family who live in Ludgershall. ...

Tidworth Community Awards for 2022

Tidworth Community Awards We asked you to nominate any members of our community who have gone above and beyond or local businesses who have provided a service above what is usually expected. We received some wonderful nominations.   Balloons by RaRa's Dreams, Tidworth All winners Selina Galvin kids clothes exchange Tidworth Facebook...

Mina Amin

Mina Amin Mina AminMember of Engagements CommitteeTel: 07864 879505 Email: About Mina I’m a mother of 4 kids and l move to tidworth in 2015. l loved tidworth the moment l got here and this has been my home since. I love to help people if l can .I...