So many activities coming up for you and your family to take part in through the summer holidays.
So much happening this summer at Tidworth Leisure Centre
Dodgeball camp
Monday 29th July
10.00am – 3.00pm, £20 for the day for 7-16yrs
Summer Climbing sessions with Neil
01/08, 08/08, 22/08, 29/08 9.30am – 11.00am – 9-12yrs, 11.00am – 12.30pm – 13-16yrs, Non-members £7.35, members £5.85, concession £2.95
Roller Disco with Disco Dion
Friday 2nd August Session 1: 1.30pm – 2.30pm Session 2: 3.00pm – 4.00pm Adult’s £4.30 Children £3.60
Skates are available for hire
Gymnastics Camp
Tuesday 20th August & Wednesday 21st August Open to current and new gymnasts £40 for the two days
Swim Disco with Disco Dion
Tuesday 20th August 11.00am – 12.00pm Adults non-member £5.80, member £4.30, concession £2.15 Children non-member £5.55, member £4.05, concession £2.15
Basketball camp by innov8 sportz CIC
Friday 23rd August – 10.00am – 3.00pm, £20 for the day for 8-16yrs
Multi sports camp by District sports
Tuesday 27th August 10.00am – 3.00pm, £20 for the day for 7-16yrs Sports could include basketball, nerf, handball, tri-golf and more!
In addition we will be running some community First Aid courses for Adults over the summer as below: Wednesday 14th August – Save a child course Wednesday 21st August – Save an adult course Wednesday 28th August – Save a baby course Open to any adults, £5 per session