Your NEW issue of Tidworth Times is hot off the press and includes details of our Easter Fun Day, Mason Academy, Tidworth Football Club, Over 60’s, A hello from our lovely new Reverend Tim Lauden, a farewell from our Mayor, Cllr Mark Connolly and our BRAND NEW Children’s page!!!

The BUZZ club is a new addition to our magazine with competitions, activities and articles written by our young community. If your children have something they would like to write about, a poem, a joke, anything at all that relates to where we live. Their School, any clubs they attend, something they have noticed. Send it in to us at Tidworth Town Council, they may see their literary masterpiece in print.
If you or your group have anything you would like to talk about in your local magazine, some news to share, raise your profile or maybe you have a fundraiser coming up, Please get in contact with us. We love hearing about whats going on in our community and would be delighted to lend a hand.
We hope you enjoy this edition of Tidworth Times and there is something there for everyone. We welcome your feedback and comments so please do get in touch with us.