Disappearing Road Works

Welcome to my latest Blog on the Tidworth Town Council website.
There has been a case of the disappearing road works, at The Ram junction. This was a welcome relief for the many commuters who us the a338 for their daily commute. However, this is going to be short lived as the road works have only been suspended due to high water levels, which have meant that the workmen are unable to work.
I have had lots of contact from members of our community about many different issues. Ranging from the Zebra Crossing near the ‘Esso’ Garage, Street lighting on the Perham Footpath, Litter from blown over wheelie bins caused by Storms Ciera and Dennis and more recently the issue of whether or not the bus shelter at the Penning’s Road, play park should be removed or not.
I am really pleased to say that I have always enjoyed a professional relationship with many members of our community; including our long serving Wiltshire Councillor (Also Tidworth Councillor) Mark Connolly, Wiltshire Police as well as members of the Military Community indeed they all regularly attend Tidworth Town Council’s monthly meetings.
These Full Town Council meetings are usually held on the first Tuesday of each month, with a few exceptions throughout the year. Tidworth Town Council publishes these dates widely, on the Council website, Facebook page, in Tidworth Times and on our Notice Boards; the agendas are always available a few days before each meeting.
Please note that whilst these meetings are open to the public, and we invite participation from the public during Public Questions. They are Council meetings, in which the Council has to conduct its legal business.
I am always happy to receive comments, questions and requests from our community in Tidworth and Perham Down. I will endeavour to provide assistance or advice where I can. If I am unable to offer this I will usually try and signpost people in the right direction for the assistance they’ve asked for.
I can be contacted on my email brian.pratt@tidworthtowncouncil.gov.uk I also have a Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/acllrbrianpratt/ where you can comment or PM me and I will respond as quickly as possible.